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2009 Mar 10 Tue, 2009 10:06pm
First ever Utah Lindy Hop Jam Session.

Looks like the date will be June 5th and 6th.

There will be a lot of fun competitions and out of state guest DJ's (almost like a mini Utah Lindy Hop Showdown.. no play on the ULHS name intended) The comps will be held over the course of 2 days, and we will have longer dances on Friday and Saturday, and at least 1 late night dance.

Details on comps, formats, dj's (Dan Newsome), prizes, fees, times of dances, comp criteria... yadda yadda.. will be announced shortly.. All should be finalized and posted within 2 weeks. I do however think that this will be the biggest Swing dance competition Utah has had thus far.

The Competitions tentatively discussed thus far are

Pro-am (Utah Dancers) Pro's will be chosen by Me and sent out Invitations, look to see some old faces as well as new ones Smile. The Ams will be open to anyone who did not get invited as a pro wanting to compete, until lead and follow ratio is full

The following are open to all
Strictly Lindy
Strictly Blues
JnJ Blues
Diversity (whoever is the funniest wins)
Solo Jazz (aka. Charleston)

keep in mind that these are all still in discussion and a few competitions might get cut out. I will keep you informed

Prizes: will include Cash, and other interesting prizes.

Hours and hours of the best swing music around, awesome venues for the comps and dances.
prices to enter the competitions will be very affordable!

For more info visit


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